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Student Art in BookStudent Art in Book

Montessori ABC Thumbnail DrawingThumbnail Drawing
$50 / $100

Original Pencil DrawingOriginal Pencil Drawing
$200 / $300

Original PaintingOriginal Painting
$600 / $1200

Original Poster ArtPoster Original Art

Portrait in Published BookPortrait in Published Book
Plus Original Art
$1500 / $2000

Montessori ABC Update January 1, 2014

Sneak a peak inside Montessori ABC

Early mock-up of Montessori ABC storyboard

Flip through this rough layout video. This will give you a cover-to-cover overview of what we've planned so far for our Montessori ABC book layout.

It is great to have your support as we create this book. Your comments and feedback are welcome. We are making our way through the hundreds of hours of writing and illustration work necessary to complete this project. We look forward to publishing our book December 2017.

–Judy MacDonald and Michael Hays

Painted Pony Books