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Boy Dancing Own original artwork.
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Montessori ABC PosterMontessori ABC Poster
$10 / $20 / $30

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Montessori ABC FlashcardsMontessori ABC Flashcards

Montessori ABC Signed First EditionSigned First Editions

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Student Art in BookStudent Art in Book

Montessori ABC Thumbnail DrawingThumbnail Drawing
$50 / $100

Original Pencil DrawingOriginal Pencil Drawing
$200 / $300

Original PaintingOriginal Painting
$600 / $1200

Original Poster ArtPoster Original Art

Portrait in Published BookPortrait in Published Book
Plus Original Art
$1500 / $2000

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Montessori ABC terms and conditions


Subscribing members will share in regularly updated news reports on our ongoing work of creating the Montessori ABC book. Exact dates and frequency of update blog posts are not guaranteed. Sponsorships and membership subscriptions are considered donations and are not refundable.

Estimated delivery dates

Delivery dates of merchandise are not guaranteed. We have produced many books and are confident in our ability to produce this book. Unforeseen circumstances can possibly delay the production process of the book and related merchandise.

Contributing your art ideas to Montessori ABC

By sending your ideas to Montessori ABC, you are granting Judy MacDonald and Michael Hays permission to use them. Your ideas for new Montessori key words may be adapted into the text of future drafts of the Montessori ABC without monitary compensation paid to you. We will make every effort to acknowledge everyone whose ideas have helped create the final draft of Montessori ABC.

Permission to use Montessori ABC web images and text

Become part of the Montessori ABC team and help support the book's success. To help promote this project you may forward links to Montessori ABC web pages. Copies of Montessori ABC text should credit Judy MacDonald and Michael Hays as the book's authors and Painted Pony Books as publisher. Copies of Montessori ABC images should credit Judy MacDonald and Michael Hays as the book's illustrators.

For uses of Montessori ABC images and text not related to promoting this book, you must ask permission. You violate federal law when you use copyrighted images without permission. You may be charged a modest fee, depending on how you want to use the artwork image or text.